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Bathroom Vanities Vanity Art


Bathroom Vanities Vanity Art ideas and shopping tips from our blog.

Envision a piece of artwork that changes each time you see it, expanding and shrinking in different areas upon every viewing. A vertical garden is organic art, ranging from a plant that grows in a frame to an intricate sculpture winding around a courtyard. It grows, buds, bears fruit, dies, and emerges again from the soil >>>...
If you follow our blog, you know that we're "green" at heart. I, personally, don't hug a lot of trees, but I do admire them and walk out of my way to pass houses with beautiful landscaping. Usually that means a flowering fruit tree or maybe a bush pruned to look like a giraffe >>>...
In the 40s, society was recovering from the Great Depression and the second World War, and fashion and style came back with a bang. People finally had enough money to renovate and go shopping and they all wanted a taste of the American dream. Here in 2011, what better way to celebrate surviving our country's most recent recession than by renovating with a 1940s theme in mind! A glistening brass finish on the fixtures and decadent period lighting will achieve the vintage Hollywood glamor effect brilliantly >>>...
It might seem like your options are narrowed to wood, tile, and stone, but that's really just the start of the search for beautiful flooring. A lot of the best design flooring is a combination of wood flooring or other materials, and some of it is (surprise!) concrete. Mosaic flooring is at its best with this modern combo of steel, two colors of wood, and black stone >>>...
I recently went apartment hunting with a good friend of mine who's in the market for an artist's loft. Regular readers might have noticed that I'm really embracing the trend towards a more industrial style home, especially renovated warehouse spaces, so this trip was a real treat. What was even better is that I got to see a whole slew of furniture made from reclaimed industrial parts, from huge wood tabletops mounted on cast iron legs salvaged from machine shops to adjustable stools saved from turn of the century factories >>>...
Reclaimed industrial home decor is one of the hottest design trends this year, and with it has come a fresh new twist on the classic French country style that I like to call Parisian industrial. This look combines the grittiness of reclaimed industrial spaces with just a touch of the sophistication and glamor of a French inspired design. A big part of getting this look is choosing "found" pieces that have a slightly grungy, hand-made or antique quality and displaying them like you would fine art >>>...
Creating an industrial style decor is all about embracing things that are old but not quite antique, and finding the artistic beauty in items that are generally considered to be purely functional. Like modern design, industrial spaces emphasize simplicity and minimalism, but rather than sharp, clean lines, it's more important to show off the human touch - whether it's a hand scraped wood floor or a reclaimed factory stool. Nowhere is this more true than with artwork, where pretty much anything but fine art will do >>>...
The art deco style is a modern classic. Or maybe it would be more accurate to call it 'classic modern', since although it remains a relic of the jazz age, speakeasies, and old Hollywood, its influences are thoroughly modern. Emerging from the cultural landscape of postwar Europe and America, art deco takes its themes from innovation--brighter, bolder, and looking toward the future >>>...
Buying a big, expensive piece of art is something of a rite of passage. Whether you're graduating from that print of Starry Night you had in college, a hand-me-down painting from gramma or a discount store, or finally moving on from your blank, unadorned wall, having a signature piece of art that you really love is a big step in making your house a home - and in getting an aesthetic you really love. Once you get a piece of art that's worth building your room around, though, you might need to do a little redecorating to match >>>...
Arriving nicely dressed to work every single day might be the key to success, but appearing well groomed is easier for some than others. It depends on a person's type of hair, whether or not he has tattoos, or has a talent for ironing or suffers any chronic acne. Life can be cruel >>>...