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Mosaic Tile and Decorative Tiles Soci Brushed Metallic Resin Liners and Listellos


Mosaic Tile Decorative Tiles Soci Brushed Metallic Resin Liners Listellos ideas and shopping tips from our blog.

Overhauling a kitchen is an arduous and many-layered process. There are so many decisions to make, and then as soon as you make those it opens up a whole other layer of sub-decisions underneath that. It's like a nesting doll of anxiety >>>...
Metal might not be the first material you think of when it comes to bathroom decor. It can be cold to the touch, and many varieties don't hold up especially well in the face of moisture. So you might be surprised to learn that designers are starting to incorporate all types of metal into decorative bathroom vanities >>>...
Wood has long been the go-to material for dining room chairs, but it certainly isn't the only option. Metal dining chairs are a unique and distinctive alternative, and have started to become popular not only in modern spaces, but also in very traditional ones, too. These sleek, gunmetal finished steel and aluminum chairs have an elegant contemporary feel, but are subtle enough in terms of design to blend well with a variety of different styles >>>...
Since tile backsplashes started gaining popularity a few years back, a handful of different styles have risen to prominence - mostly subway tile (in any variety of colors), the occasional thin rectangular or square tile, and lots and lots of white marble. But these looks are a dime a dozen. If you really want your backsplash to stand out and make a statement, you need to think a little outside the box >>>...
Are the French Country design shopping guides going to keep coming? Do they speak French. . >>>...
Fewer things are nastier than messes dried onto kitchen walls. Wet and molding kitchen walls might be one of them. Solution: mosaic tile kitchen backsplash >>>...
Welcome to a shameless display of my affection for kitchen backsplash design. A kitchen backsplash isn't just useful, or just pretty, or even pretty useful. It's a solid investment to protect your kitchen walls and the good humor of your kitchen slave >>>...
It's fairly common knowledge that one of the fastest, easiest, and least expensive ways to enhance the appearance and value of your bathroom is to add new bathroom tiling, or replace your existing tile. But picking just the right bathroom tiles - the style, color, material, size, and installation type - can be a little confusing. Though it's a relatively inexpensive change, altering the bathroom tiling on your walls, floors, or even in your shower can dramatically change the appearance of your bathroom >>>...
Floor medallions are often found in entryways or other large, open spaces - places where they're free to make an impression. They can be made of stone or other tile or sometimes wood pieces, and can either be assembled or carved, etched, or stained directly onto the floor. They're usually circular in design and act as a centerpiece in a room >>>...
Installing tile is one of the necessary evils of great bathroom design. No bathroom is complete without at least some tile, and the better the tile job, the more polished and pristine the final product will look. But buying tile is expensive, to say nothing of the cost of hiring someone to install it >>>...