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Flush Mount Lighting Allegri Constellation


Flush Mount Lighting Allegri Constellation ideas and shopping tips from our blog.

Most standard bathtubs have a wall mounted faucet - but if you're upgrading to a big inset tub like a whirlpool - or especially a freestanding tub - it can be difficult to line up your new fixtures with traditional style hardware. Not only that, but keeping your tub stuck to a wall can really limit the layout of your bathroom remodel. If you don't like the idea of big, gangly clawfoot tub fillers - or if you're going for a look that's more contemporary than classic, you might want to think about investing in a deck mounted faucet instead >>>...
I've talked a bit before about the pitfalls of a modern bathroom decor - it can be a little cold and a little impersonal, both of which can be difficult to fix and difficult to avoid in the first place. But it isn't always true, and certainly doesn't have to be. In some ways, a modern decor is an invitation to have a little fun, you just have to keep in mind that "modern" doesn't necessarily have to be formal >>>...
I often talk about choosing a new bathroom vanity in terms of getting a look you'll love - whether it's traditional or contemporary. But design isn't always about detail, and sometimes less is more - especially when it comes to a minimalist modern aesthetic. In some spaces, clean lines triumph, and simplicity offers it's own unique style >>>...
Kitchen ranges have long been the go-to cooking appliance in most kitchens. But with the growing popularity of large, luxury, professional style kitchens, that's starting to change. Now, purchasing separate ovens and cooktops is not only a viable option, but also an increasingly common one >>>...
Adding a wall mounted faucet is a great way to add a designer flair to a bathroom of any size or shape. Unfortunately, doing so isn't exactly easy: you'll need to tear out part of your wall, reroute your plumbing, and work around any existing studs, to say nothing of retiling the wall when you're done. The good news is, there's a great new way to get this look without all the heavy remodeling >>>...
Most wall mounted bathroom vanities share a similar aesthetic: they're simple and square with smooth straight lines and not a lot of embellishments. The similarities between designs become more pronounced the smaller the vanities get, especially once you get down to the 30" and under range. But the smaller the vanity, the more important subtle differences become >>>...
There are tons of tips and tricks out there for saving space in a small bathroom, but one that doesn't always make the list is actually one of my favorites: the wall mounted toilet. These sleek modern fixtures take up significantly less space than traditional toilets, and come equipped with many eco-friendly features, like dual-flush controls and uniquely designed bowls that help further reduce water consumption. They're a little complicated to install, but simple to maintain and clean and offer a stylish, intuitive way to save space in any bathroom, no matter how small >>>...
Almost everyone wishes they had a bigger bathroom - or, even better, a really big bathroom, like the kind you see on home improvement shows and in design catalogs. But while all that space is great for your walk-in shower and soaking tub, it's probably more than you need for actual storage. Even if you keep your linens in your master bath, chances are you don't need an entire bathroom worth of cabinets to store them in >>>...
Indoor lighting takes up about one sixth of our total electricity use - a massive quantity of energy directed into light bulbs and tubes to light our way indoors. By 2012, however, light bulbs could be a thing of the past! Light emitting wallpaper and paint will come on the market in 2012 and could potentially be 2. 5 times more efficient than the more energy efficient bulbs already on the market >>>...
I talked in a recent blog post about light emitting wallpaper as one of the future lighting options for homes. Another lighting alternative I recently heard of is the tubular skylight. The tubular skylight consists of a clear plastic dome that is installed on the roof and attached to a highly reflective tube, in effect a sun tunnel, that takes the light absorbed by the dome and transfers it to a ceiling or roof window with a diffuser, which emits it into your home >>>...