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Drapes and Window Treatments Amrapur Home essentials


Drapes Window Treatments Amrapur Home essentials ideas and shopping tips from our blog.

I've lived in enough pre-decorated houses to know that a shabby old set of curtains can really ruin the look and feel of a room. Of course, there's nothing worse than a naked window - it's all too easy for an undressed window to look like a hole in the wall, even in an otherwise well-decorated space. But on the other hand, a well-chosen window dressing can really make the rest of your room design pop >>>...
If you're looking to buy a sewing machine, whether it's your first one or your fiftieth, there are a few things you should consider before you buy. While all sewing machines complete the same basic task: sewing, there's a huge variety in price, quality, and the specific abilities between different models. So, before you even hit the store, here are a few things to think about: What's Your Skill Level? If you're just starting out sewing, you probably don't want your first machine to be an ultra-deluxe model, and if you're an experienced quilter, you'd probably only be frustrated with a machine that cost anything less than a couple hundred dollars >>>...
When we talked about building your own computer, I’ll admit I left you in a bit of a lurch. Sure, now you’ve got an awesome PC personalized for your individual needs and ready to go, but it’s not going to do you much good without some way to interact with it. And let’s be honest: the accessories you choose for the outside of your computer are just as important as what we put inside it – you’ve just got to know what’s out there, and what will work best for you >>>...
I wrote previously about old creaky houses and some of the problems this may present, at least audibly. But old houses have a lot more going on than just orchestral underpinnings! A really common problem in older homes is windows painted shut. While sometimes windows may stick due to expansion caused by humidity, windows painted shut are very common in older homes, so we'll cover how to unstick windows in this post >>>...
Blinds used to be my least favorite kind of window treatments. Honestly, for most of my life, I've really hated the things. Why? Because until fairly recently, I always had really terrible ones >>>...
Finding just the right window dressing to give your room the look (and light, and privacy!) you want can be really hard. I've talked about the classy look you can get from a nice set of curtains, and the convenience of a good, working set of blinds, but if you're looking for something that combines style and functionality, you really can't beat a shade. Like curtains, they're made (usually) of cloth, but like blinds raise and lower easily, and can be adjusted in a wider variety of ways >>>...
If you have the misfortune of having a room that's gone over to the dark side - whether it has windows that are too small, too far apart, don't let in enough light, or doesn't have any windows at all - there are a few things you can do to brighten your space without flipping a switch or picking up a sledge. Strategically placed large wall mirrors, for example, increase the apparent size of a room as well as brighten it. For a room without any windows at all, though, a faux window can add not only some semblance of a view, but can make your room seem both bigger and brighter >>>...
Welcome to the blog of BarefootFloor. com! Here we hope to provide you with helpful information on everything that has to do with the home - from tips on home improvement and home remodeling projects to our favorite trends in home design and innovations in various appliances. At the same time, we'll be keeping you updated on the latest deals being offered by retailers and sharing timely coupons >>>...
A friend recently bought her first house and I helped her move in this past week. She called me yesterday to tell me that this new old house of hers is the loudest thing she's ever encountered. The hardwood floors creak, the doors squeak, the pipes bang and even when you're lying immobile in your bed mysterious noises permeate the emptiness >>>...
I talked in a recent blog post about light emitting wallpaper as one of the future lighting options for homes. Another lighting alternative I recently heard of is the tubular skylight. The tubular skylight consists of a clear plastic dome that is installed on the roof and attached to a highly reflective tube, in effect a sun tunnel, that takes the light absorbed by the dome and transfers it to a ceiling or roof window with a diffuser, which emits it into your home >>>...