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Magazine Stands and Holders


Magazine Stands Holders ideas and shopping tips from our blog.

Two days ago, everyone's least favorite part of summer landed here in my town - and is probably starting to creep up in muggier climes all around the country. What do I mean? Why, mosquito season, of course! And if itchy red bumpy bites weren't bad enough, mosquitoes are dirty, disease carrying little bugs, and the "danger zone" for West Nile Virus is growing every year. So, while those hateful little bloodsuckers start to spawn in a pond or puddle near you, or your local campground, make sure you know the best way to protect yourself >>>...
A wine cooler is one of those little luxury items that you might not think to want, but once you have one, you'll wonder how you ever lived without it. Especially if you drink a lot of wine or frequently have a lot of guests who do, a home wine cooler will really improve the way you entertain. Designed to hold anywhere from 4 to over a hundred bottles of wine, digital wine coolers keep all your favorite vintages close at hand >>>...
A few months ago, I had one of those rare, lucky occasions to significantly upgrade my TV for a very reasonable price. It was an opportunity I simply couldn't pass up, but blowing my budget on a big screen meant that for the last few months I've had a TV that's almost ridiculously too large for the TV stand it's sitting on. Now that I've had time to recover from the purchase (and get really sick of my teeny tiny TV stand), I'm in the market for an upgrade, but I've started to realize that picking a new stand is almost as complicated as picking the TV was in the first place >>>...