A Litte Cover-Up: How to Use Rugs to Smarten Up Any Room

A few years ago I brought some friends over to the house I grew up in. “Oh, wow!” one of them said as soon as we walked in the door. “I love these gorgeous hardwood floors!” My immediate response was, “Huh? Wow, we really do have hardwood floors!” Because, honestly, I had never noticed them […]

Get The Look: A Contemporary Take On Mid-Century Modern

Midcentury modern interiors are generally characterized by big, open windows and a whole lot of wood. The goal of the style – at least when it comes to the architecture – is to create more organic indoor spaces that integrate natural materials (and even the outdoor landscape) into the home. Over the years, this timeless […]

Coffee Table 101: Building Your Living Room from the Ground Up

Coffee tables only first appeared in their current form during the mid-nineteenth century. But nowadays a coffee table is nearly as indispensable to a sitting room as a sofa. Whether or not you actually plan to use yours to hold coffee isn’t important. They are trendy, all-purpose surfaces to build a room around. Style and […]

Pulling Back the Curtain: Five Trendy Ways to Spruce Up Your Showers

Do you look forward to showers? I know I do. A hot shower (or a cold one, in weather like this) is a luxury I try not to take for granted. In our busy lives, though, carving out a moment to make the most of small pleasures can be difficult. That’s why it is definitely […]