Creative Ways To Add Color To Your Kitchen And Dining Area

As kitchens move to the forefront of home design, homeowners are starting to have a little fun with the space – specifically spicing up the color palette. While French country and farmhouse style white kitchens are still quite popular, it’s becoming more common for these simple designs to be enhanced with bright, colorful decor. Some […]

Six Bathroom Vanities That Double As Dressing Tables

Typically, bathrooms with dressing tables are big bathrooms with custom made cabinetry. Most pre-made bathroom vanities, even larger ones, are made of solid continuous cabinets without the interruption needed to be able to sit and apply makeup comfortably. That said, there are a few workarounds if you’d like to have a permanent dressing table, but […]

Bathroom Mirrors – Framed, Frameless, or Functional?

Every bathroom has a mirror, but not all bathroom mirrors are created equal. Some are framed and others frameless, some with built in storage, lights, or other features, and many more without. But with so many choices, it can be a little difficult to know which one is right for you and your bathroom – […]

How To Make Kitchen Islands Work In A Small Kitchen

Kitchen islands are among the most desirable features in kitchen design today.  You practically can’t open a magazine or flip on HGTV without a designer or homeowner gushing about their new custom island. But if you happen to have a smaller kitchen, you’re probably feeling a little out of the loop. After all, islands aren’t […]

Alternative Bathroom Vanities For A Half Bath Or Guest Bathroom

For a primary or master bathroom, type and amount of storage is often a main concern in terms of choosing a new bathroom vanity. Even (or especially) in small bathrooms, efficiency and functionality are extremely important. But the priorities and considerations for half bathrooms and guest bathrooms is a little different. There’s less that needs […]

Ornate Antique Beds And Bedroom Sets For An Opulent Old World Style

Much of interior design is modernizing – streamlining shapes and simplifying design to reflect the more casual contemporary lifestyle. But if there’s one space where opulence reigns – and rightly so – it’s the bedroom. A good bedroom set should have comfort and style in spades, and nothing does that quite like an antique design. […]

Ditch The Crystal – Beautiful, Budget-Friendly Glass Chandeliers

For a long time now, crystal has been the go-to material when it comes to chandeliers. From a few teardrops to chandeliers made more of crystal than anything, crystal chandeliers are so ubiquitous that the “crystal” is practically implied just in the word “chandelier.” And there’s every reason for it – the beautiful optic quality […]

Spiral Pendants – An Elegant Modern Style For Your Home

To me, the biggest difference between traditional and modern lighting fixtures is innovation. Lovely as they may be, and often grand and stunning as they are, there isn’t a whole lot of variety in traditional lighting fixtures in shape, style, form, or material.  But with modern lighting, the sky is really the limit – modern […]

Shaker Bathroom Vanities For A Contemporary Bathroom

In a time where manufacturers are capable of resurrecting any furniture design from almost any point in history, it isn’t much surprise that some older styles are making a comeback. At the forefront in bathroom and kitchen cabinetry is a revival of the Shaker style. Shaker bathroom vanities in particular are finding a new home […]

White Lighting Fixtures (Part 2) – Having Fun With Shapes

Yesterday I talked a bit about how well the color white works in modern design, especially win modern lighting fixtures. But it’s a topic near and dear to my heart, and one that I think is worth revisiting. So, if Part 1 was about light, shadow, and texture, today I’d like to talk about shape […]