Doing A Big Decor Update? How Shopping With Uttermost Can Save You Big Time

In an era where big name celebrity designers (and big name celebrity price tags) are becoming the norm even in chain stores, it can be all too easy to blow your budget on a name or logo. But having a well designed, beautifully decorated home doesn’t have to break the bank – you just have […]

Do’s And Don’ts For Your Next Bathroom Remodel

Even In A Relatively Small Bathroom, With Good Design You Can Make Space For All Your Little Luxuries

Unless you’re planning on staying the same home for life, any major remodeling or renovating you do should have an eye not only to your own tastes, but also toward increasing the value of your home. Especially if you move fairly often, making sure that you get most (if not all) of your investment back […]

Need A New Bathroom Vanity? Why Not A Dresser! How Repurposed Furniture Can Make Your Bathroom Shine

Bathroom vanities

I’m going to let you in on a little secret – I love buying furniture second hand. It’s like the pieces you find at a thrift shot, flea market, or just on the side of the road come pre-installed with a heaping helping of personality and potential. After all, if you only paid $5 for […]

Sick Of Scratched Sinks? Try Silgranit!

I can admit, I’m pretty tough on sinks. I hand wash dishes, scrub pots and pans, have unreasonably hard water, and am a bit of a butterfinger – so you can imagine my joy when I heard about a new kind of sink that’s resistant to staining, scratching, and chipping. It’s made of a material […]